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Read these testimonials from hospitals using CarryAlls or earlier models
“We originally purchased eight TransAlls (earlier model) to be utilized primarily for patient discharges, and we have purchased an additional eight carts. Since implementing the patient carts, we have developed other uses for the carts: i.e., Intra-Hospital Patient Transfers, Movement of Patient Belongings, and Patient Admissions With Luggage.”

“The benefits we have derived include allowing for movement of patients and belongings at the same time, eliminating the necessity of pushing a wheelchair and maneuvering a separate cart with belongings, thus reducing the risk of muscle pulls and/or strains due to awkward positions, and further, it eliminates the need to dispatch two attendants when a large volume of luggage or belongings is indicated... the patient carts have impacted our staff quite favorably.”
“We are delighted to be utilizing your TransAll carts (earlier model) for the patients at our hospital. We initiated the use of the cart on just one floor but other patients have observed the cart and have inquired as to why it is not available for them. Patients relish not having to ride in a standard wheelchair. Our staff is also enthralled with the TransAll because it makes their jobs easier and it brings good comments from the patients. The TransAll is also cost effective because in cases where we would ordinarily use two staff members to discharge a patient, we now use only one staff member with the cart.”
“The TransAll (earlier model) that you modified to enclose patients so they are protected from the wind, rain, snow and cold is working very well and it fulfills our need when transporting patients and their belongings from one building to another or for inter-department transfers. By using the TransAll, we negate the need for more than one employee when transporting patients with luggage, gifts, flowers, hanging clothes or other personal items. We are confident that we have made a wise investment that will provide us with a quick and substantial return on investment.”



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